Sadhana Diwas and Childrens day celebration VKV, Kanyakumari celebrated in a grant manner. Childrens day celebration Sr. Rama Lingom, Principal Vivekananda College was the chief guest.
For the past one week Science & Arts exhibition was going on in our school. On November 19th. as a part od Sadhana Divas all the staff and children went to Eknathji's Samadhi and remembered such a great personality's birth day.
With the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda approaching, Vivekananda Kendra has taken up the task inspiring youth for nation building work.
We believe that by strengthening the youth, we can strengthen the nation. ‘Velga Velgavey’ is a program designed for this purpose.
Preliminary selection :
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEEPCO) Doyang has completed 10 years of its dedicated Man Making service in Doyang, Wokha, Nagaland. To commemorate this eventful tenure the school is celebrating by conducting different programmes – Sit-and-Draw, Quiz, Essay Writing and Elocution Competition in a few nearby schools.
A blood donation camp was organized by Vivekananda Kendra kanyakumari branch Yavatmal on 3rd Oct, 2010 in association with some of the like minded organizations. The camp was held in Ane Mahila Mahavidyalay, Yavatmal. A Technical side of the camp was managed by Dr. Hedgewar Blood Bank.
NAHARLAGUN, Oct 31: A brave student of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (VKV), Aditya Gopal, drowned while attempting to save a friend in the ferocious Dikrong River today and his body was recovered later.
Dear Brothers & Sisters
The report for the activities, conducted by VKRDP, during the month of SEPTEMBER 2010 is detailed below, for your kind information:
ITANAGAR, Oct 14: The finer aspects of life to be followed by today’s youth was the main highlights of the 4th day of Vijay Hi Vijay camp (a leadership development programme for the youths and students) today being organized at VKV Chimpu, Itanagar.
The programme started with invocation. Sri Surasen Jena, Prant Pramukh welcomed all the guests. Suryanamaskar demonstration and Recitation of swamiji's 11th Sep speech was done by school children.