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Rural Projects

Swami Vivekananda Said : “ My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation; out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem, like lion.”.

Arunachal pradesh has a value-based and commmunity-oriented education, we see in these communies no beggars, no orphans and destitute. There are no locks on the houses or the granaries. The principle of living is “one for all and all for each.” When anyone wants to build a house, the whole community works together to build it. If any house gets burnt, the whole vilage works to rebuild it and all houses in the village come together to provide materials. Thus within twenty-four hours a well-furnished house is ready for the family. When a whole village is burnt, nearby villages come together, rebuild the houses and even furnished them. The society is a living society; so it responds to the needs of its members immediately. Thus it does not need an orphanage or a destitute home or police force, or even government welfare schemes, as the society itself is a welfare society. And yet the missioonaries want to “civilize” them! Wherever conversions take place, these traditional values are lost.

This dictum prompted Mananeeya Eknathji to accept the invitation of the then Lt. Governor shri K.A.A. Raja and Vivekananda Kendra commenced its activities in Arunachal Pradesh in 1974 and in 1977 seven “Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas” were started. There were absolutely no basic services like pre-primary education, medical aid etc in the interior villages. To provide these facilities to every nook and corner of the Arunachalee society, Vivekanada Kendra Arunjyoti - a service project was started in 1993 with the motto - “Development Through Culture”.

Please kindly visit Vivekananda Kendra Arunjyoti website :

Vivekananda Kendra - Natural Resources Development Project an integral project of Vivekananda Kendra. It was started in 1986 inspired by Indic vision of the seers: Isavasyam itham Sarvam- All Existence is permeated by Divine and Swami Vivekananda's clarion call to uplift the downtrodden masses.

VK-NARDEP combines traditional wisdom and modern science and provides cost-effective alternative holistic solutions to the problems of modern living - especially for the rural communities.

VK-NARDEP works in the following fields and all these diverse fields are attached to its central axis of the concept of sustainable development.

  • Cost Effective Construction
  • Renewable Energy
  • Holistic Health
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Water management and
  • Inner Sustainability.

The eco-services of VK-NARDEP spanning a period of nearly quarter of a century has earned it international reputation. Its contribution in the field of utilizing renewable energy for sustainable development through food production (use of biogas and biogas slurry in agriculture) has won VK-NARDEP the prestigeous Ashden award.

For more information please visit VKNARDEP.ORG

In Orissa, Vivkeananda Kendra has branch centers in Baleswar, Bhubaneshwar, Baripada, Keonjhar and Brahmapur. Looking into the vast rual and tribal areas of Orissa, the Kendra felt the necessity of intensifying its MAN-MAKING AND NATION  BUILDING activities to build a better rural Orrisa. Accordingly the Project "Vivekananda Kendra Utkal Seva Prakalpa" has ben launched on 11th Sept. 2006.

Main activities carried out by Utkal Seva Prakalp

  • Anandalaya
  • Samskar Varga
  • Personality Development Camp
  • Cultural Examination
  • Support for providing higher education
  • Leadership Training
  • Anandalaya Acharya Training
  • Value Enrichment Program
  • Medical Services

"An aggregate or a congregation of men does not make a nation, nor do the geographical area and duration of time qualify a society to be known as a nation. A government formed on such a basis can be called a state, but not a nation. It is common goal or mission that makes a nation. All the constituents strive collectively for something noble. Service with spiritual orientation results in man-making which invariably and inseparably connected with nation building." It is the core of all the thoughts behind Vivekananda Kendra.

Vivekananda Kendra as second Phase of Vivekananda Rock Memorial was parallel when Rock Memorial was taking shape. As Eknathji used to say "To put up a Cement and Concrete structure is not the work for which I am born, I am to erect a living and dynamic monument which will be worthy of Swami Vivekananda and which will be capable of bringing into fruition his grand vision of future India."

Ma. Eknathji also have idea about training of such type of worker who give their life for nations. Such one training center is in Kanyakuamri another is in Maharastra in Pimplad near Trambakeswar - the land of Lord Shiva. It is land of sadhana, there were lots of sages from Nath - Sampraday (Sect) who used to did sadhana over here. But because of lots of ignore that place from long time and because of wine industrialization, the condition of people is very poor. If woman of home collect dry wood on sunday from than it makes possible to cook food at their home. People don't have enough clothes to wear. So Kendra took intitative to start rural development work over there with this life - worker's training center. Following activities are carried out as part of rural development.

Educational Services (Non-formal Education):
  • Balwadi
  • Anandalaya
  • Vivekashram
  • Hostal for 50 boys

Health Services:
  • Dispensaries
  • Visits by doctors to nearby villages
  • Arogya Rakshak
  • Referal hospital at Nasik

Vocational Training:
  • Tailoring
  • Agriculture
  • Go-Seva
  • Water Management
  • Computer-center
  • Vocational training for boys@
    RK Mission Sakvar - Mumbai, Vidyannasharm - Pabal

Non-conventional Energy:
  • Bio-gas
  • Kandi kolsa
  • Smokeless Chula
  • Solar-enery : lights, cooker etc...

For Women:
  • Self-help group/Cottage insdustry
    Papad, Chatani, Laddu
  • Awareness Camps
    literacy, health, strengthing
  • Professional Aids :
    Capital to needy people to start their own profession (Stand on their own lags)

Utsavs :
  • Kirtan
  • Siva Puja
  • Deep Puja

  • Medical/health awareness like dental, women, children...
  • Yoga
  • Spiritual Retreats
  • Stress Management Yoga Workshop
  • Personality Development
  • Karyakarta Praskhishan Sibir

Please contact :

At. Pimpalad
Post Trymbakeswar,
Dist.:Nasik, Maharashtra

Phone : +91-(0)2594-234077
Email : vkpvsp [at]

Vivekananda Kendra was established in 1972 after the consecration of Vivekananda Rock Memorial off KanyaKumari,to train, motivate and utilize young men and women in nation building activities.Accordingly educational activities were first taken up in the border state of Arunachal Pradesh. Mananeeya Eknathji Ranade, founder of the Kendra, felt that welfare activities should be taken in and around KanyaKumari to come in closer contact with the local people. This led to starting in 1978, 9 Pre-Primary schools and a Medial centre with a van, thus forming a nucleus for the present large scale activities.

The local people and well wishers of all over the country and the Kendra workers were of one mind that Rural development activities with a cultural thrust should be started immediately. The idea received the blessings of Swami Ranganathananda of Sri RamaKrishna Math,and Swami Chidbhavananda of Sree RamaKrishna Tapovanam. The aim is to motivate our people to adhere to and nurture the cherished values of our Sanatana Dharma to prevent alien elements weaning away our young men and women from our cultural moorings.Thus was born the project RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME.

For this Vivekananda Kendra took up a survey of nearly ten thousand villages in the District of Kanyakumari, composite Tirunelveli (before being split into Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi), Ramanathpuran, Virudhunagar and Sivaganagai. Priority villages were selected and following ativities are running in these five district.

  • Balwadies
  • Medical Centres
  • Tailoring Units
  • Cultural Compititions
  • Cultural Classes
  • Youth Programs
  • Vivekananda Academy of Cultural Studies
  • Women's Activities
  • Self help group
  • Amrit Surabhi
  • The Kendra has installed 125 Hand Pumps for drinking water purpose and deepened 2 well in five districts

For more information please visit VKRDP.ORG

Women must be put in a position to solve their own problems in their own way. And the Indian women are as capable of doing it as any in the world.

Motherliness, hardwrok, sacrifice , intelligence, and sense of responsibility are the characteristics of Indian women. Systematic onslaught on these qualities , primacy to her physical attributes are degrading women to commodity value rather than upholding the grand ideal of Hindu wonmanhood “ the mother “ the first Guru of the family.

Based on this Vivekananda Kendra running Vocational Training Center,(VKVTC) in various places of india, one is in Tamilnadu as part of Rural Development program, One is in Pimpalad, One is in Karabi-Along area in Assam and 4 in Arunachal Pradesh which started in 1997 in Seijosa, to train women to be economically self-reliant.The six-month course consists of training in carpet-weaving , tailoring , Gale(Traditional Arunachali woman-wear) making, etc. In addition primary reading and writing skills, cooking, health and hygiene, story-telling, patriotic songs, etc. are also taught. The selection of trainees is through centers.

Focus: Strengthen human resource intensive technology. Socio-economic empowerment, capacity-building, Natural resource management, Mother and child Health care, Education , Nutrition, Collective action for common causes, skill development in areas women are already skilled in value-addition to products.

Nature of Training: Multi-dimensional -vocational, Educational and Cultural

Skill: Tailoring ,knitting, crochet, Pickle, Jam and sauce preparation, packaging, bee-keeping, marketing.

Adaptability: Design and produce products as per requirement.

Habit Formation: Daily routine, Health, hygiene, Nutrition Literacy, reading , writing , counting.

Languages: Hindi and English.

Confidence Development : Yoga, Martial Arts

Horticulture : Develop Kitchen gardens.

Community Perspective : Conducting Value Education classes for children, story-telling , women's Awareness camps, community festivals celebrations, etc..

Marketing : Become job creators and not job seekers.
Details : Residential well Furnished training centre;trainees(girls) are drawn from interior villages.

Impact : Socio-Economic and Cultural:
  • Sourcing the finished products from trained girls who produce it in their own homes. Family income is substantially augmented as many a family subsists below the poverty line.
  • Improved standard of living including health, hygiene.
  • Capacity to withstand cultural shocks – brought in by Westernisation disguised as modernization is increasing
  • Standing by one's own Sevadhrma in the face of alien pressure.
  • Ushering in concept of Development through Culture.
  • Development hundreds of families as production centers in the nearby villages and usher in prosperity.
  • Education : Start balwadis pre-primary training centers
  • Strengthen youth activities
  • Impart more community- based training.

Vivekananda Kendra Rural Welfare Programme, Khatkhati, Assam, India


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@ Kendra Hospitals.

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