"Vivekabharatham", a unique exhibition of murals depicting the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda was held at Agrashala of Paramekkavu Temple. The exhibition, organised by Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation intends to uphold life, vision and mission of Swami Vivekananda on the eve of the saint's 150th birthday.
India today faces an important problem in its livestock based agriculture. In the preceding decades, agricultural residues which used to form the major source of cattle feed has substantially reduced its share in the proportion of national cattle feed. This is because of the low straw grain ratio of high yielding varieties.
With motto of Thakur Sri Ramkrishna Paramsansa "Siva Bhave Jiva Seva" Vivekananda Kendra working in the rural area of country. As part of Medical Service everymonth Vivekananda Kendra Rural Development program is organizing Eye-camp. This month it was organized at 4th January (2012) at Vivekananda Kendra Avaikoodam, Kanyakumari. The camp was sponsored by Sudarshan Men's Wear, Nagerkovil .
Vivekananda Kendra & Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya celebrated 149th Birth day of Swami Vivekananda, Annual day of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya & National Youth day. Swami Vivekananda as national monk wanted the younger generation to strive hard to uplift our nation & make our Bharat ‘Jagath Guru’. The whole idea behind the youth festival was to propagate the concept of national integration, spirit of brotherhood & adventure among the youth.