Chicago address of Swami Vivekananda in the parliament of World religion on September 11, 1863 “Sisters and Brothers of America” is celebrated every year as Universal brotherhood day in the world. As per the excellency of the Universal brotherhood day was celebrated on September 11, 2014 at 10.00 am in our school. The program was commenced with song which highlights Swamiji, sung by our students.
Leadership program Safal Yuva - Yuva Bharat is organized in the pre-preparation of Ma. Eknathji Janmasati Prava in Bhihar.
20 august Patna : 15 attendance
24 august Katihar : 20 Attendance
31 Punha Patna. Same program is going on organize in Muzzaffarpur on 6th sept.
V K Mangalore - Taluk Level Cultural Competition at Bantwala, Mangalore District: