Sir Albert Howard was the founder of the Organic farming movement. Incidentally, he worked for 25 years in India as an agricultural investigator. His 20 page booklet ‘An Agriculture Testament’ covers everything you need to know about organic agriculture. In this issue, we have given a few of his quotable quotes on the subject.
Shri.N.Krishnamurthi covers the related topic of ‘Food, Diet, Nutrition and Food security’ by way of dialogue between the Ostrich, Parrot and Swan.
GUWAHATI, Nov 14 - India has made rapid strides in space research within a short span of time, and we can expect significant breakthroughs in the near future. Today, the world recognises India’s capacities in this field, which was not the case earlier.
This was one of the views expressed by distinguished scientist Dr Jitendra Nath Goswami at the tenth Vedanta Vachaspati Radhanath Phukan Memorial Lecture – ‘From a Fishing Hamlet to Moon and Mars’ – organised by the Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture recently.
In 1854 Chief Seattle gave a stirring speech about the sanctity of the land and the need for careful stewardship of it.
“I want to know God’s thoughts. The rest is details”. This quotation by Albert Einstein puzzled many. However, Einstein was pantheist – worshiper of all Gods. He may not have believed in any conventional notion of God. But believed that “a spirit is manifested in the laws of the Universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble”.