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Environmental Award to VK NardepVivekananda Kendra - Nardep received the "Environmental Award" for its work at Rameswaram in the year 2015 - 16 on 5th June – ‘World Environment Day’. Environment Minister K.C.Karupanan, Govt. of Tamilnadu handed over the award to Sis.Saraswathi on behalf of Vivekananda Kendra - Nardep at the glittering function held at Chennai.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev reminded the people on the occasion of Earth Day which was on 22nd April - “We are not different from the earth. So, if the planet is in danger, we are in danger. If the planet is healthy, we will be healthy. If humanity has to live for a long time, you have to think and act like the earth and be the earth because that is what you are. Our lives are not separate from each other; our life is an integrated, connected life”.  This he calls as inclusive consciousness.

22nd April is celebrated as a “World Earth Day”. James Lovelock a famous scientist from England, environmentalist and futurist – all rolled in one proposed for the first time the Gaia hypothesis, which postulates that the Earth functions as a self regulating system. The Gaia hypothesis proposes that living and non-living parts of the earth form a complex interacting system that can be thought of as a single organism, named after the Greek God as Gaia. In this month, we are giving a few of his quotable quotes.

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