गीता जयंती के उपलक्ष्य में विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी की पंचकुला शाखा द्वरा 21-12-2014 को परिवार सम्मलेन का कार्यक्रम भारत विकास भवन में आयोजित किया गया जिसमें 15 परिवरों ने भाग लिया ।
At the occasion of Gita Jayanti all the karyakartas came together and celebrated the Gita Jayanti. In the Karyakram total 11 karyakartas were present. The Karyakram was started with Prayer, Geet, Vivekvani, Letter of Gita Jayanti reading, Shri Jigneshbhai gave brief ideas on Gita in daily Life, all karyakartas are took sankalp for making story on Karma Yoga Shlok Sangrah and all stories will be told at Sanskar Varga, Santi mantra and Kendra Prathana.
District launch of MEJSP took place in Nellore and Kadapa attended by 125 and 80 people respectively. 'Vivekananda Shila Smaaraka Kathaa' [Telugu] was released in both the places.Details:
At the occasion of sadhana Diwas all the karyakartas came together and celebrated the sadhana Diwas by taking Dayitwa. In the Karyakram total 35 karyakartas were present. The Karyakram was started with Prayer, Geet, Swadesh mantra, Letter of sadhana Diwas reading, Sharing of MEJSP Program which was held at Delhi, documentary of ma. Eknathji Ranade, declaration of Dayitwa with Pushaparpan, Geet-Seva hai Yagya Kund, Santi mantra and Kendra Prathana.