Gurupurnima Celebration in Kolkatta 2016
Gurupurnima Celebration and Anna Pooja VKRDP 2016
Gurupurnima Celebration in Jalandhar 2016
Gurupurnima Celebration in Kolkatta 2016
Gurupurnima Celebration and Anna Pooja VKRDP 2016
Gurupurnima Celebration in Jalandhar 2016
Science workshop was organised for the students and the teachers of Iqra Public School, Kundru, Kashmir on 10 August 2015 by Vivekananda Kendra Nagdandi Kashmir. 30 students and 5 teachers participated in the day long programme. Sri Gajanan Vaidya a retired engineer from Gyan Setu, Jnanaprabodhini, Pune was the resource person.