VK Hebbal Nagar celebrated National Youth Day with a program held at the Satish Dhawan Auditorium, IISc in Bengaluru. The event saw the participation of 250 people.
VK RT Nagar branch celebrated Gita Jayanti and the 100th week of Swarna Bhoomi Samskarvarga on 15th December 2024 at M.S. Convent School. 45 people participated.
VK Hebbal Nagar organized an Amrit Parivar programme to celebrate Gita Jayanti. The event was held at the Kendra Karyalaya in Hebbal, with 50 participants.
VK Hebbal Nagar organized a Shrimad Bhagavad Gita chanting event on the occasion of Gita Jayanti at Ayyappa Bhavan in Hebbal Kempapura. A total of 45 participants attended.
VK Hebbal Nagar organized a Bhajan Sandhya on 7th December 2024 at the Ayyappa Temple, Hebbal Kempapura. The event witnessed the participation of 30 people, including Karyakartas and their families.
VK Hebbal celebrated Navaratri with a special Bhajan Sandhya organized at Smt. Sitalakshmi Didi’s residence in Hebbal Kempapura, on the evening of 6th October 2024. Seventeen people participated.
VK Karnataka Vibhag organized a Bhajan Sandhya at Shri Prasanna Venkateshwara Swamy Temple, Bagalur Cross Yelahanka. A total of 24 people attended the event.