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समर्थ शिक्षक ही समर्थ भारत बना सकता है Swami_Vivekana… Thu, 01/09/2016 - 12:05

Yoga Pratiman 2016 विगत दस दिन से क्षेत्रीय शिक्षा संस्थान, अजमेर में उत्तर भारत के विभिन्न प्रदेशों से डिप्लोमा इन काउंसलिंग एवं गाइडंेस का कोर्स कर रहे 38 शिक्षकों के लिए विवेकानन्द केन्द्र कन्याकुमारी, राजस्थान प्रान्त के द्वारा समर्थ शिक्षक-समर्थ भारत संकल

A residential SAMARTH shikshak - SAMARTH Bharat shibir was organised for selected school teachers in Betnoti Sampark Sthan under aegis of Baripada Nagar. 15 teachers were present. The camp was inaugurated by Su Swarnaprava Pattnaik, Nagar Sanchalika Baripada Nagar on 3rd April 2015 and concluded with Aahuti Satra by Sri Anil Kumar Kar, Vani Vibhag Pramukh, on 5th April.

Vivekanand Kendra Kanyakumari, Branch - Chinchwad had organized a 2 day shibir for teachers around PCMC area at Janaprabodini High School on 21st and 22 September 2013. The module form Vivekanand Kendra Kanyakumari under section Yoga Pratiman "Samarth" especially for teachers. This shibir was arranged to help the teachers get a better insight on the most noble profession in the whole world - Teaching. After parent the teachers play a very crucial part in developing a child turning him into a responsible citizen of India.

Samarth Parichay Satra25,26,27 नव 2012 को स्वामी विवेकानन्द सार्धशती समारोह के उपलक्ष्य में मध्यप्रदेश लोक शिक्षा संचनालय द्वारा प्रदेश के चयनित शिक्षकों व विद्यार्थियों के लिए एक शैक्षिक यात्रा का आयोजन किया गया I जिस दौरान कन्याकुमारी स्थित विवेकानन्द पुरम में विवेकानन्द केंद्र द्वारा सभी शिक्षकों को "समर्थ" एवं विद्यार्थियों को "तेजस" प्रतिमान के माध्यम  से प्रशिक्षित् किया गया दोनों प्रतिमान शिविरों का सञ्चालन् एक साथ् हुआ I 25 नव.को सभी शिविरार्थियों ने विवेकानन्दपुरम में - गंगोत्री,ग्रामोदय, ARISE AWAKE प्रदर्शनी का अवलोकन किया साथ ही समुद्र के मध्य स्थित राष्ट्रिय शिलास्मारक का    चिरस्मरणीय भ्रमण व माँ कन्याकुमारी मंदिर के दर्शन किये जिनकी तप:साधना आज् भी प्रत्येक दर्शनार्थी को प्रेरित करती है I

VK Arunachal 20121202 SAMARTHA at MiaoVivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant conducted one SAMARTHA, a Teachers Orientation Camp at Community Hall Miao, Dist-Changlang on 2nd December 2012. 34 teachers from various schools of Miao, Kharsang and Bordumsa participated in this orientation camp. The camp was inaugurated by Sri S. Roy, Circle Officer, Miao. In his inaugural speech, he lauded the noble initiative of Vivekananda Kendra and appealed to the teachers to take full advantage of these sorts of opportunities.

Yoga training for teachers at Changlang, ArunachalSamartha - A yoga module for teacher orientation was conducted by Vivekananda Kendra on 22nd and 23rd September 2012 at Changlang. 31 teachers from various Government Schools of Changlang participated in this two day camp which included interaction with Power Point Presentation, some yogic micro-exercises and lighter moments. The two days camp was inaugurated by Shri John Jugli, ZPM of Changlang. Smt. Barnalee Hazarika, a resource person from Tinsukia conducted the interactive sessions.

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