Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Dakshin Prant, Tamil Nadu Vibhag, Madurai Branch, celebrated the vibrant cultural festival of Pongal with great enthusiasm on Sunday, January 12, 2025. The festivities were organized at two schools where Samskarvargas are conducted weekly: TVS Higher Secondary School, Lakshmipuram, and K.A.C.A. Arunachalam Higher Secondary School, Jaihindpuram.
The celebrations included a variety of traditional games such as Kabaddi, Uriyadi (Pot Breaking Game), and Tug-of-War, which are an integral part of Pongal traditions. These activities witnessed enthusiastic participation from Samskarvarga students and karyakarthas, creating an atmosphere of joy and team spirit.
The event saw a total of 35 participants from TVS School and 12 participants from Arunachalam School, all of whom actively engaged in the festivities. In keeping with the Pongal tradition, Sakkarai Pongal (sweet Pongal) was prepared and distributed as prasad to everyone. This added a traditional flavor to the celebrations and offered participants a delightful opportunity to experience the true spirit of the harvest festival.