Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Telugu Prant, Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad) Vibhag organized a Kendra Parichay Programme on 8th December 2024 at Avadhana Saraswathi Peetham, Hitech Main Road. The event was held for donors, well-wishers, and new residents from the Hitech City, Kukatpally, Chandanagar, and Gachibowli areas of Hyderabad.
The programme began with the screening of videos showcasing the construction of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the founding of Vivekananda Kendra, followed by a presentation on the various seva activities undertaken by the Kendra. Shri P. Srinivasulu Ji, Bhagyanagar Vibhag Pramukh, explained the Kendra’s ongoing seva activities in Hyderabad.
Shri Ravi Naidu Ji, Telugu and Odisha Prant Sanghtak, conducted a discussion session on the relevance and importance of Amrit Parivar. During the session, the participants collectively decided to initiate Gita Saptaham in their homes and to meet fortnightly for further discussions and activities.
The event saw the participation of 11 new contacts along with 12 Karyakartas. Following the programme, participants visited the Goshala and had darshan at the Saraswathi Devi Temple. The event concluded with the serving of tea and snacks.