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Gurupurnima is one of the five Utsavas celebrated in Vivekananda Kendra. In Kendra, Omkara is revered as the Guru, and Gurupurnima is celebrated grandly by all branch centers and projects of Vivekananda Kendra across Bharat.

This year, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Arunachal Prant, Lohit Vibhag, Namsai Nagar observed Gurupurnima at the Buddhist temple Golden Pagoda (Kongmu Kham) on 24th July 2024. A total of 27 Karyakartas and invitees attended the program.

The program began in a traditional way. Smt. Timita Namchoom, Amrit Parivar Pramukh of Namsai Nagar, gave the welcome speech and introduced Vivekananda Kendra after offering salutations to Lord Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.

The team made offerings to the Revered Bhanteji and took blessings in a traditional Buddhist manner. Sri Suresh Lama Ji, Nagar Sangathak, explained the importance and significance of Gurupurnima.

Revered Bhanteji blessed everyone and expressed that such rituals will definitely help the younger generation and keep our traditions intact. Sri Sangey Thinley Ji, S.P. of Namsai, and VKV alumnus shared how culture was inculcated into them during their school days by VKV teachers.

The program concluded in a traditional Buddhist way.

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