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The coral reefs of Rameshwaram are an important part of the sacred geography. They also have a great evolutionary history. They provide a prominent support for the Gulf of Mannar biodiversity. However today they are facing many threats mainly due to the pollution and global warming. We provide a glimpse into some interesting aspects of the Rameshwaram coral reefs. The coral reefs have been there for millions of years. Home to many organisms the marine biodiversity is heavily dependent on the coral reefs and they had also protected the population from the 2004 Tsunami.

Bio-diversity is one of the important aspects that has to be studied, documented and conserved at Rameshwaram.Rameshwaram island is one of the chain of islands that are present in the Gulf of Mannar bio-diversity hot-spot region.Read about it and its importance in the newsletter. Shells, Coral Reefs and Sea algae - the bio-diversity of this island needs to be showcased and this is a small beginning. Also find out about the renovation work of Ramar Teertham. We have excellent press coverage of the event. We have shown the condition of the teerthamprior to the renovation.

The whole world is nothing but a magnificent Puppet Show. So says Kerala’s great poet of satire and originator of famous Ottanthullal. According to him, the director of the cosmic show goes on pulling the threads that make us move our head, hands and feet, that is, dance to his tune. When he pulls out the threads, lo, we fall down dead.

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