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Karyakarta Prashikshan shibir at DelhiVivekananada Kendra Delhi has organised  a Prant Karyakarta Prashikshan shibir(KPS) for Karyakarta of Inderprastha Vibagh and Yamuna Vibhagh of Delhi Prant on 2nd -7th  June 2012 at Red Rose Model School, Delhi and  Kangra, Himanchal Pradesh. Most of the Karyakarta were new, were  those of who came into Kendra Sampark after Vijay Hi Vijay Yuva Abhiyan- 2011.Total 13 Karyakarta participated in the KPS.

The KPS was divided into two phases; the theory and practical 2nd to 4th June theory and five and six practical at Kangra .

The schedule of theory part of the camp started daily at 5 am with prayer followed by Yoga Satra and Gita Pathan. Parichaya Satra, “Dheyagami Jivan” – the story of Rock Memorial and Ma.Eknath Ji, Challenge!  And need of collective works, “Samparka Tantra” and Sawmi Vivekananda 150th birth anniversary were the lecture sessions. Having aim to make familiar every Karyakarta with KaryaPadhti, Yoga Varga and sanskar Varga of Mohan Garden Vistar were merged with KPS, so that participant may grasp experience of conducting the same & replicate it at their respective karyasthan. 

On last day of theory class, a meeting was held ,many questions were raised and doubt were cleared for The Gram Sampark at Kangra.That meeting boosted  enthusiasm in every ones heart.
On the same night the journey started from Delhi to Knagra, Himanchal Pradesh ‘Devbhumi- The Land of Lords’. After having some rest and launch, they visited HPCA Stadium, Bhakshunath Temple, Palace of Dalailama, Aghanjar Mahadev Mandir and Chinnmaya Mission. Everyone felt pride to be a part of the country which is so diverse and so rich in every aspect of diversity. On the first of practical, they had seen geographical diversity and its richness. On second day they felt the prosperity  of culture.
To conduct workshops and bookselling campaign, all Karyakarta were divided into four groups, one for conducting workshop for college students of Apex Computer, Two for workshop at GAV school and last one for bookselling campaign 67 college students became a part of  Yuva Prarana Shibir,  the theme  was India’s current challenges and our duty towards the situation. There were Yoga Session, games, group discussion and also a lecture on same topic. 92 school students had attended PDC. Yoga, games, geet story were the part of PDC. Bookselling campaign was held at bus station which is one of the highly dense area of the Kangra Valley
All groups had come back, taken launch and got ready for other practical i.e.  Gram Sampark Abdullapur were allotted for Gram Sampark. Karyakarta were divided into groups of two and allotted a street. they have went to door to door and introduced Swami Vivekananda 150th Birth Anniversary and enquired about their life style, believes, main professions, achievements of village, history of village, festivals, cropping pattern etc.
Within one hour of Gram Sampark, they have got some enthusiastic group which were staring them from windows, behind walls, back yards and following one house to other house. After some ice breaking talks the group converted into demonstration of Samskar Varga. Their chanting of slogans, laughters, roars attracted some more visitors and became medium for more Sampark.
“Some people of Vivekananda Kendra from Delhi have come and doing activities for awakening India.” It was talk of the town on that day.
Lastly there was a public programme of Bhajan Sandhaya at Tanda Medical College Auditorium.
“Let New India arise- let her arise- out of the peasants\' cottage, grasping the plough; out of the huts of fisherman, the cobbler, and the sweeper. Let her spring from the grocer\'s shop, from the oven of the fritter-seller. Let her emanate from factory, from marts and markets. Let her emerge from groves and forests, from hills and mountains.”
During Gram Sampark everyone was touched by this word of Swami Ji, they felt each word is transforming into action. 

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