VK Madurai organized the Samartha Bharath Parva program on 4th January, 2025, at TVS Higher Secondary School, Madurai. The event witnessed an enthusiastic participation of 180 students.
VK Madurai organized a Samskarvarga Sammelan at the Ramar Vistar Kendra Karyalaya, TVS Nagar, Madurai on 20th October 2024 with 70 people participating.
Vivekananda Kendra organized Gurupurnima programmes at 70 locations across Tamil Nadu, involving a total of 4,591 participants. The celebrations took place from 20th to 28th July 2024.
VK Madurai celebrated Swami Vivekananda Jayanti with Pushpanjali and a lecture programme on 12-01-2024. More than 45 people participated in the celebrations.