Short description about on-going projects.
Short description about ongoing Camps.
Short description about Celebrations.
Short description about Regular Activities.
Educate and raise the masses, and thus alone a nation is possible.
Ref: CWSW – 8 : Epistles - Fourth Series : XX Diwanji Saheb
Every one wants to command, and no one wants to obey; and this is owing to the absence of that wonderful Brahmacharya system of yore.
Ref: CWSW – 3 : Lectures from Colombo to Almora : Vedantism(1)
We, we, and none else, are responsible for what we suffer. We are the effects, and we are the causes.
Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles.
Ref: CWSW – 8 : Epistles - Fourth Series : LXXXI Goodwin
God is an infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere, but whose centre is everywhere.
Ref: CWSW – 2 : Hints on Practical Spirituality
Be a Patron and support dedicated workers for their YogaKshema.
Yoga Shiksha Shibir Spiritual Retreat Yoga Certificate Course
Join in Nation Building by becoming Doctor @ Kendra Hospitals.
Opportunities for the public to cooperate with organizations in carrying out various types of work