Vivekananda jayanti celebration in Paschhim Nagar, Karnawati : The program had been started and followed by our tradition. Teen Omkar and Prathna ,Geet had been taken by local karyakartas and then Ma. NiveditaDidi’s speech. All presenting karyakartas including ShriNalinbhiPandya (Amdavad Vibhagpramukh ), shriShaileshbhaiVaidya (Gujarat prant vyavstha pramukh) had felt glad after didi’s speech. This Ahvan made them force to think for the nation and their initiatives. There were 62 Karyakarta participated in the program.
Niveditadidi with all sisters karyakartas of Karnawati mahanagar : There was an interactive session with Ma. Nivedita Didi and sister karyakartas. Ma. Didi had Solved and answered well to the asked questions. Ma. Didi spoke about some women’s burning issues and advocating it with some limitations which can be helpful in their future.