VKV Kanyakumari organized the Sadhana Diwas and the Concluding Ceremony of the Science and Arts Exhibition on November 21, 2023, with more than 1400 participants.
VK-RDP, Tirunelveli Branch organized Free Eye Check-up Camp at Hussey Middle School, Panagudi, Thirunelveli District on 19-11-2023. 110 people benefitted.
VKV Kanyakumari celebrated Children’s Day on November 14, 2023, witnessing the enthusiastic participation of over 1200 students at Vivekananda Sabhagraham in the Vivekanandapuram campus.
VKV Kanyakumari celebrated Saraswati Puja and Vidhyarambham on 23rd October and 24th October, 2023 respectively at the School Premises. The staff, students, and parents participated.