VK Durgapur organized a three-day celebration of National Youth Day and Swami Vivekananda Jayanti at Vivekananda Uddyan, M.A.M.C., Durgapur Nagar, from 10th to 12th January 2025. 110 youth participated.
Mananeeya Kum. Nivedita Raghunath Bhide honored with Lifetime Achievement Award by IIT Kharagpur during their 70th Convocation Ceremony held on 30th December 2024
VK Durgapur and Vivekananda Janmotsav & Seva Samiti, organized the Samartha Bharat Parva celebration and Dhuni Puja at Vivekananda Uddyan, Durgapur Nagar, on 25-Dec-2024. A total of 95 people attended.
Vivekananda Kendra, Eknath Vibhag, Vande Mataram Karyastan, organized a three-day Pranayama and Dhyana Workshop at Hooghly Women’s College from 5th to 7th December 2024. A total of 23 participants attended.
VK Eknath Vibhag, organized Universal Brotherhood Day programs at eight locations across seven Karyasthans of Eknath Vibhag, with a total of 993 participants.
Vivekananda Kendra, Eknath Vibhag, Vande Mataram Karyastan, organized a Universal Brotherhood Day programme at Hooghly Women's College, Pipulpati, on 20th September 2024. A total of 330 people attended the event.
VK Durgapur celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day at Vivekananda Uddyan, M.A.M.C, Durgapur Nagar, on 11th September 2024. A total of 87 people attended the event.
VK Durgapur celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day at Paramedical College Durgapur, on 12th September 2024. A total of 115 students and faculty members participated.
VK Bidhannagar organized a Youth Motivation Workshop for the students of the Govt. College of Engineering and Leather Technology in Bidhannagar on 23rd August 2024. A total of 80 students participated.
VK Dakshineswar Nagar, organized a Yoga Satra at a Shiva temple in Maa Sarada Vistar (Agarpara). The Yoga Satra took place over 10 days, from 1st to 10th August 2024.