Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Dakshin Prant, Kerala Vibhag, Thiruvananthapuram Branch, organized the National Youth Day and Swami Vivekananda Jayanti celebration at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kunnumpuram, on 13th January 2025, from 11 AM to 12:30 PM. A total of 56 participants attended the program, including 50 students, 2 staff members, and 4 Karyakartas.
The program commenced with the Shantipat, recited by the students. This was followed by a welcome and introduction of the Chief Guest and Kendra Karyakartas by the students. A Malayalam patriotic song was then presented by the students, which was received with enthusiasm. A PowerPoint presentation on Samartha Bharat Parva was also shown, illustrating the strength and glory of Bharat and inspiring the young minds.
Shri Aji Kumar Ji, Kendra Karyakarta, addressed the 11th standard students and spoke about the importance of Bharateeya culture. He highlighted the contributions of great Rishis in various fields such as Yoga, Agriculture, Astrology, Mathematics, Literature, and Culture. Referring to Swami Vivekananda, he explained how Swamiji envisioned a bright future for India even during the time of British rule, when the nation was struggling with poverty, oppression, and a lack of education. Shri Aji Kumar Ji emphasized how Swamiji instilled self-confidence in the youth and urged everyone to make Swami Vivekananda their ideal. He quoted Swamiji, saying, “Let us create our own destiny and make our lives purposeful.”
The program concluded with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Smt. Nisha, a teacher from the school, followed by the Shantimantra.