All India Yoga Shiksha Shivir was held in Vivekananda Puram, Kanyakumari from 05th to 19th May 2017.
The reporting day was 4th May and most of the participants had arrived and reported during the day. Thirty nine participants from Five different states viz, Maharastra,Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and West Bengal are reported.
From December 2016 Vivekananda Kendra Introduced Six Month’s Yoga Certificate Course i.e. YCC. Participants of YCC also reported on 4th May 2017, Twenty five participants from different Nine states, viz Maharashtra, Bihar, Karnatak, Kerala, Madhya Prant, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. One Sister from Indonesia also participate in camp.
On the same day the participants attended the Bhajan Sandhya and Introductory session, wherein the participants were given orientation for the camp. The medium of the camp was in Hindi and English. The 39 participants of Yoga Shiksha Shivir and 25 participants of Yoga Certificate Shivir were organized into Six different groups, The Names of Holy Rishies related to Darshan Shastra given to groups. Three English Group – Kanad, Jaimini and Ved Vyas & Three groups for Hindi – Kapil, Patanjali and Gautam
The Fifteen Day camp had Morning Prayers, Gita-Pathan, Yoga Abhyas, Shram-Samskar, two Lecture sessions, Manthan, Geet-Abhyas, Yoga Abhyas, Pranayam Abhyas,Yoga Varg,Omkar Dhyan, Cyclic Meditation, Bhajan Sandhya, and concluded with Prerna se Punuruthhan. All Yogabhays sessions are conducted by last year’s (Dec 2016) YCC students and Shiksharthi as this is the part of their studies.
The lecture sessions were on the topics of: Concepts of Yoga, Rajayoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga Shlok Sangrah, Bharateeya Samkriti, Concepts of Dharma, Kendra Prarthana, Maneeya Eknathaji, Swami Vivekananda, Story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Challenges and Response, Vivekananda Kendra-Concepts.
On 10th May there was session on Adi Shanka and Rama Krishna Paramhansa and Maa Sharada by Dr. K. Subramaniyam which was combined for both groups. In This Camp two new subjects added one is Gauravshali Bharat and Tyaga aur Seva which was guided by Ma. Nivediata Didi. There was a Q & A session based on questions on Bhartiya Samskruti – All questions answered by VRMVK 's VicePresident, Ma. Nivediata Didi, who was conferred with PadmaShree Award recently.
During Manthan session Participants discussed on the subject based on various lecture sessions. During Shram-Samskar, participants took care of the cleanliness, arrangement and management of the premises, accommodation, class rooms and dining hall displaying team-spirit and selfless service.
ON 9th May Participants visited Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Kanyakumari Amman Temple, Wandering Monk. On 15th May Participants went to Marutva Malai and afternoon visited Vivekananda Pictorial, Gramodaya and Gangotri exhibition and Ramayanam
Darshnam. That day Bhajan sandhya was arranged in front of Shri Hanuman Statue at Aramayana Darshnam.
The Shivir went on well in a congenial, spiritual atmosphere with moderate discipline and affection. On 11th May Prearna se Punuruthhan was conducted by Ma. Hanuji at Vivekanand Mandapam. All Participants enjoyed it. Many of the participants have expressed their willingness to devote their time and energy for the Service of the society through Vivekananda Kendra. Some are enrolled as Patrons thus joining the large family of Vivekananda Kendra.