आंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिन : २१ जुन
International Day of Yoga : June 21
A website having information & guideline about International Day of Yoga is http://www.yog.website
A website having information & guideline about International Day of Yoga is http://www.yog.website
It was in the year 1992 that Vivekananda Kendra had the unique blessing of taking Swami Vivekananda all through India, along the same route that Swamiji himself had taken hundred years earlier. It was this historic parikrama that finally led Swamiji to Sri Padaparai (now renowned as Vivekananda Rock) sitting where he had visualised the regeneration of India as a global spiritual force.
One of the most wonderful things about our Motherland is how she has withstood the shock of centuries’ of military and cultural invasions and has still maintained her spiritual wisdom and cultural unity. She has held together in a federal form, scores of religions, cults, philosophies and cultural traits, leave alone languages, dress hab-its and living customs. Despite all these she has projected herself as one entity; we may add one without a second.
The whole world is nothing but a magnificent Puppet Show. So says Kerala’s great poet of satire and originator of famous Ottanthullal. According to him, the director of the cosmic show goes on pulling the threads that make us move our head, hands and feet, that is, dance to his tune. When he pulls out the threads, lo, we fall down dead.
As always it is a pleasure to look back on the year and offer our grateful thanks to all our trustees, members of the managing committee of Vivekananda Kendra and well wishers who are part of Vivekananda Kendra family at Kodungallur. May the most elevating vedic vision of our seers ever guide us in all that we do so that, our great Motherland regains her ancient glory and be seated as the Jagat Guru blessing the entire humanity.
This is the time. Our motherland was waiting for long.
We must hurry up, lest our chance is lost for ever? How long would she wait, this dear Motherland of ours for her children to wake up from the slumber from ignorance from their worthless dissipating pre occupations?
How long can she go abegging to feed her children? Others laugh at her, throw mud at her, call her mad. In a frenzy they tear her clothes apart. Yet, no curse, ever escapes her lips. She only smiles and hangs her head.
On the auspicious occasion of Gurupoornima, a day long programme was arranged at Aandadham. Ganapathi Homam and Sri Chakra Puja were conducted in the Dakshina auditorium of Anandadham in the early morning. At 10 a.m.