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Weekly update from the various corner of country Swami_Vivekana… Thu, 01/09/2016 - 11:33

WhatsApp Report 24-31 August 2016

  • Shree Krishna Janmastami celebrated V.K. Mangaldoi  .Upasthiti - 148 nos

Vivekananda Kendra Kanuakumari, Bangalore Branch celebrated the Gurupurnima program on 23rd of July 2016 at Kendra premises. Smt. Gayatri Krishnamurthy, Pravachanakaararu and Kirthanakaararu blessed the gathering. She was with us  as  chief guest. In the beginning Srinivasaiah, Sanchalak welcomed the gathering and gave a brief introduction of the Guest. Smt Ratnamma, Vyavastha Pramukh thanked the guest and all the participants. Smt Kunda, Nagar Pramukh and Chief Trustee of Sadyojatha Charitable Trust presided over the function.

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