Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Dakshin Prant, Karnataka Vibhag, Mysore Branch organized a Parivar Milan as part of the Gita Jayanti celebrations on 15th December 2024 at the Kendra Karyalaya in Mysore.
The celebration commenced with the chanting of Karma Yoga Shloka Sangraha. Following this, Smt. Gayatri Akka, Amrita Parivar Pramukh, spoke about the Amrit Parivar and its significance. The programme was presided over by Aadharneeya Nagaratnamma Didi. Towards the conclusion, all participants collectively chanted the 3rd chapter of the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.
The event witnessed participation from 58 members from 21 families. As a follow-up, regular monthly baithaks with these families have been planned.