Vivekananda Kendra is celebrating the Birth Centenary year of the founder Ma. Eknathji, who is the Spirit behind the mid-sea National Monument Vivekananda Rock Memorial. The year long program Mananeeya Eknathji Janma Shati Parva has aim to strengthen the work in terms of Qualitative & Quantitative area. Vivekananda Kendra is a thought movement as envisaged by Ma. Eknathji, having various magazine in 6 languages. To reach out more people in this gadget era, Vivekananda Kendra has launched Electronics version of Magazines. The link has been launched by first batch of Life Worker Ma. Balakrishnanji, Vice President of Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Vivekananda Kendra here at Kanyakumari at 4pm, today [13-Aug-2015].