From Bhagavata comes the story of Mahavishnu’s annihilation of the demon Hiranyakasha, brother of Hiranyakaspu. He carried the mother earth to the boom of ocean and challenged Vishnu to fight him and reclaim her. Mahavishnu came out of the nostrils of Brahma as a tiny little boar which soon grew into a gigantic form of Yagna Varaha dived to the depths of the ocean, killed the demon, reclaimed her and established her in all her pristine glory.
An interactive meeting to discuss the Vivekananda Kendra and the the Vivekananda Kendra Academy of Indian Culture, Yoga and Management [VK AICYAM] activities was held on 11 May, 2014 at Paderu, Visakhapatnam district. 48 teachers from single teacher schools and teachers of Vigyan Bharathi High School, Paderu attended. Speaking on the occasion Sri Krishna Mohan, Seva Pramukh, Bharateeya Vidya Kendram of the region spoke about the importance of documentation of our traditional practices for posterity.
This month saw a very important development in 'Green Rameshwaram' project.
World civilization is standing at crossroads. Man has lost his ability and willpower to dis-criminate between good and bad. As a result he is enhancing his tendency to drag down the ‘good’ and trample it under his feet. The latest expression of this is the way the media are trying to dishonor and dis- credit Pujya Amritananda Mayi Devi.