Universal Brotherhood Day - Kerala Vibhag
Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated by VK Kerala Vibhag in which more than 60 people participated.Ma.Radha didi conveyed the Universal Brotherhood Day message stressing upon our work to strengthen culture and tradition of our country. The message also encompassed the birth of Vivekananda Kendra and 50th Anniversary celebration of Rock Memorial. Participants were thrilled to listen to Radhadidi explaining the sacrifice and purity of Swamiji and how he conquered the world sending across the glorious message of Bharat. The message was woven with practical examples and anecdotes from her life in Vivekananda Kendra. Nagar Sangatak Kalyani Didi invoked Swamiji by her soul stirring Bhajan on Swamiji. Sri Vishnuji conducted the session and the participants had an interaction with the Didi at the end. The celebration turned in to a promising one for the Karyakartas of Kerala Vibhag to take up the activities of Kendra in Kerala which is the land of Shankaracharya.