Swami Vivekananda, after his wandering across Bharat, reached Kanyakumari and began a three-day meditation on Bharat, seated on the mid-sea rock, on 25th December 1892. To commemorate this historic moment, Vivekananda Kendra celebrates the period from 25th December to 12th January, culminating in Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary, as Samartha Bharat Parva, celebrating the strength and greatness of Bharat.
This year, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, West-Bengal Prant, Eknath Vibhag, organized a series of programs as part of the Samartha Bharat Parva celebrations from 25th December 2024 to 21st January 2025. Events and competitions were held at 11 locations (covering 6 Karyasthans), with a total of 485 participants.
Pushpanjali programmes, a highlight of the celebrations, brought together participants to pay respects to Swami Vivekananda. On 10th January 2025, a Pushpanjali programme was conducted at Netaji Nagar Karyastan, with 15 participants offering their pranams. On 12th January, marking National Youth Day, another Pushpanjali programme was held at Vivekananda Nagar Karyastan, with 23 attendees. The following day, on 13th January, a similar programme was conducted at Madhusudan Nagar Karyastan, drawing 19 participants.
A series of vibrant competitions and cultural activities were also organized, engaging the student community. On 17th January 2025, drawing and recitation competitions were conducted in Hariyana Vidyamandir and Bhagabati Devi Balika Vidyalaya, with 48 attendees, including 37 students, 5 Karyakartas, and 6 school staff members. On 18th January, Michael Nagar Shiksha Niketan and New Barrackpur School witnessed drawing, patriotic song, and recitation competitions, where 33 participants, including 25 students and 8 Karyakartas, came together to celebrate. The same day, a Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Shovayatra and a program were conducted at Vande Mataram Nagar Karyastan, with 22 participants attending.
The celebrations continued with more competitions on 19th January. At Netaji Sangha Club, Green Park, a drawing competition was organized, bringing together 60 participants, including 30 participants, 16 parents, 4 club members, and 10 Karyakartas. Another drawing competition held at Dakshineswar Nagar (at a School) saw the participation of 23 people, including 19 students and 4 Karyakartas. Additionally, a drawing competition was conducted at Dakshineswar Nagar (Darjipara) that had 16 attendees, including 10 participants and 6 Karyakartas. On 20th January, Bidhannagar Karyastan conducted recitation and drawing competitions at Labanhrad Vidyapith, with 36 people, including 32 participants and 4 Karyakartas, taking part.
A grand celebration was organized on 21st January 2025, Swami Vivekananda’s Janma Tithi (Paush Krishna Paksha Saptami). A program and prize distribution ceremony were held at Vivekananda Mancha in the Ancestral House of Swami Vivekananda, which was graced by 190 attendees. This event marked a fitting tribute to the great visionary whose life and message continue to inspire millions.
Throughout the Samartha Bharat Parva, from 25th December 2024 to 12th January 2025, the patriotic song ‘Vande Mataram’ was sung, and the Swadesh Mantra was recited daily during the Yog Varga. These practices enriched the atmosphere with a deep sense of devotion and commitment to Bharat Mata.
The celebrations were a resounding success, reflecting the timeless relevance of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings and the dedication of Vivekananda Kendra in spreading his message of service and desh-bhakti.