The kerala state Inauguration of swami vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary celebration committee,was held on 18th November 2012 at hotel woods mannor, ernakulam. The program was inagurated by high court judge justice. THOTTATHIL.B.RADHAKRISHNAN In that eminent writter C.RADHAKRISHNAN presides over the function. P.PRAMESWARAN (president, vivekanandakendram), Justice V.R. KRISHNA IYYER,SAJINARAYANAN(Secretary) P.N.ESWARAN(Samyojak) K.K.BALARAM (Pranth Saha Sanghachalak )etc presides over the function Around 200 delegates attend the program.
The kerala state Inauguration of swami vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary celebration committee,was held on 18th November 2012 at hotel woods mannor, ernakulam. The program was inagurated by high court judge justice. THOTTATHIL.B.RADHAKRISHNAN In that eminent writter C.RADHAKRISHNAN presides over the function. P.PRAMESWARAN (president, vivekanandakendram), Justice V.R. KRISHNA IYYER,SAJINARAYANAN(Secretary) P.N.ESWARAN(Samyojak) K.K.BALARAM (Pranth Saha Sanghachalak )etc presides over the function Around 200 delegates attend the program.